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They look at rose colored glasses of the best things that could possibly happen in an office versus what actually happens in an office 99 percent slot to the time. Like it doesn’t happen automatically. And it doesn’t mean like don’t do water cooler talk anymore and don’t do the commute, like, skip the commute and just organize that water cooler talk. And there’s a lot of companies which kind of pretend that work is the most important thing in your life and I never quite got that, that doesn’t make sense to me, I think it’s disingenuous and it forces everyone to pretend something. For most people it’s less than an hour and their commute both ways is probably more than an hour. And if you look at something that actually the meet-up version of hybrid does is we kind of amortize a really big commute, probably flying across the world a couple times of year and then you stay there at that place, versus the everyday driving 15 to 60 minutes each way to get to an office, or commuting, I think can be.. Yes, probably 25 countries I would imagine. MATT: Yes, it’s pretty good. It is also stressful as well. You lead by example in all this. Matt Mullenweg’s latest Distributed conversation is with Morra Aarons-Mele, host of The Anxious Achiever podcast for HBR Presents from Harvard Business Review, and founder of award-winning social impact agency Women Online and its database of women influencers, The Mission List. What should I do every day?


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I bet that most people commute longer onwin bet giriş than that they have super valuable informal communication at the office. But a lot of companies actually got more effective, like more work got done, it’s just that people said they were unhappy and I attribute that to not having enough informal communication. And I think also as the company progressed, I get more and more bonus veren siteler interrupt driven where I just have to respond to things so I set up the mechanisms that force me to.. I just have to respond to it. MATT: How do people respond to it? Because I enjoyed the smaller ones when we were hundreds of people as opposed to more over 1,000. And Automattic is organized as almost essentially separate companies internally so I thought it would make sense to split it up. MATT: It sounds like you agree with a lot of this still. So often people who leave GitLab they leave because there’s a lot more options now, right? We have always wanted to stay at 50 or less but we’re about 56 right now and that feels like a really good place to be, so we’re very comfortable with that.


I think making it a value feels strange. Making it a value feels like a cart before the horse. I don’t think it should be a value. It is amazing how much people enjoy getting together and how much value that week comes. SID: Yes. I think that there has been a big shift in that customers are now much more okay with taking Zoom meetings. Horse or dog races: Keep records of Races Played, Actual Wagers, Losing Tickets and your Racing Program. I really hope that more people study GitLab, one because you are open to it, literally they wouldn’t even need your permission, so much is open. SID: Yeah, I think it enables people to take the day off if they think that’s better. MATT: And have you been doing family and friend day, like days off for the whole company, essentially? That felt much more natural and that’s what we keep doing - the core team members commonly are invited. ’s say pretend the world is fully healed and vaccinated and safe, what do you want to get back to in terms of in-person? You know, I’m curious, you mentioned in-person being warmer, building trust.. A lot of it is about our obsession with brain storming and being spontaneous.

Örgüt yöneticilerinden Mehmet Fikri KARADAĞ’ ın hiyerarşisinde bulunan Erkut ERSOY yönetiminde istihbarat toplama özel amaçlı Özel Büro adlı internet sitesi ile istihbari bilgi toplama faaliyetleri yürütüldüğü, bunların yanı sıra sokakta da takip tarassut çalışmaları yapılarak istihbarat toplama faaliyetlerine hız verildiği anlaşılmaktadır. Gazi GÜDER, Ayşe Asuman ÖZDEMİR, Halil Behiç GÜRCİHAN, İsmail YILDIZ, Kemal ŞAHİN, Mehmet Murat YÜCEL, Ferudun Refik NUHOĞLU, Ergün POYRAZ, Fikret EMEK, Mehmet Zekeriya ÖZTÜRK, Veli KÜÇÜK, Sevgi ERENEROL, Habip Ümit SAYIN, Doğu PERİNÇEK, Hikmet ÇİÇEK, Nusret SENEM, Mehmet Fikri KARADAĞ, Erkut ERSOY ve Murat ÇAĞLAR’ ın fişleme tabir edilen bu eylemi gerçekleştirdiği anlaşılmış ve kendileri hakkında bu suç nedeni ile ceza tayini istenilmiştir. 25 sayfadan oluşan bu doküman Muzaffer TEKİN, Sevgi ERENEROL, Oktay YILDIRIM, Erkut ERSOY (E-mail olarak) , Doğu PERİNÇEK, Ümit OĞUZTAN, Mehmet Zekeriya ÖZTÜRK ve Tuncay GÜNEY’ den ele geçirilmiştir. 17 sayfadan oluşan bu doküman Tuncay GÜNEY, Veli KÜÇÜK, Doğu PERİNÇEK, Mehmet Adnan AKFIRAT ve Ümit OĞUZTAN’ dan ele geçirilmiştir. 33 sayfadan oluşan bu doküman Veli KÜÇÜK ve Ümit OĞUZTAN’ dan ele geçirilmiştir. 5- Tuğgeneral Veli Küçük hakkındaki iddia ve ifadelere ilişkin evrak, Genel Kurmay Başkanlığına gönderilmiştir.

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